About the Area
Springfield is known as a family-friendly area with a rich historical aspect and a healthy economy.
Location & Early History
It is nestled conveniently by I-5 and the McKenzie and Willamette rivers, and is a favorite location for fishing and whitewater rafting.
Springfield was settled in 1848 by Elias and Mary Briggs. They were one of the first to travel into the region across the “Southern Route” – traveling over the Cascades, into the Rogue Valley, and then north to Willamette.
The location was chosen by the Briggs for its easy access to spring water. The family opened and operated a ferry across the Willamette River, and in 1852 began the foundation of a town.
In 1940 the City’s area was only 1.5 square miles with a population of 3,805, but growth quickly exploded to more than 13 square miles with a population of 51,700 by 1998.